The Story of Digital Transformation, Gingerbread and VMware Tanzu - A Virtual Event

8th December, 2021, 4pm CET


Interactive “Storytelling” with Michael Coté!

It's the end of the year!.
Gingerbread! Lebkuchen! Basler Leckerli! Pfefferkuchen!
Join your peers in this invitation only, virtual session to share your digital transformation stories. We'll all share what tactics, tools, and strategies have worked well, and maybe not so well this past year, for example:
  • Putting in place the required technologies and practices.
  • Changing your organisations’ processes, behaviours, and culture.
  • Boldly trying new practices and learning what fits your organisation.
Learn from each other's stories as you start to plan next year's plot. We'll also share the story of VMware Tanzu and preview what we're planning for next year.

Most importantly, to begin the event, the world renowned Master of Wine and Sommelier World Champion 1998, Markus Del Monego, will take you on a very special Gingerbread culinary journey from Germany to Austria and then to Switzerland. Experience the story and special taste that comes with a long standing tradition.


16:00 (CET)
16:15 (CET)
Gingerbread Tasting - Markus del Monago
16:45 (CET)
The VMware Tanzu Story - Michael Coté
16:55 (CET)
Interactive Discussion
17:30 (CET) Thank You & End


Michael Cote.png Michael Coté studies how large organizations get better at building software to run better and grow their business. His books Changing Mindsets, Monolithic Transformation, and The Business Bottleneck cover these topics. He’s been an industry analyst at RedMonk and 451 Research, done corporate strategy and M&A, and was a programmer.

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We each have different backgrounds and experiences. At VMware, we have three core values that we expect all to abide by: do the right thing, do what works, and be kind.

Expected behavior

  1. Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.
  2. Refrain from using any demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.

Unacceptable behavior

Unacceptable behavior may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Harassment and discrimination, which includes: any verbal, physical, or visual conduct based on sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, race, age, national origin, disability, or other protected characteristics; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides); deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of sessions, talks, or other events; and inappropriate physical contact, or any unwelcome sexual attention.
  2. Using any boisterous, lewd, or offensive behavior or language; using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct; using profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious, homophobic, transphobic, or ethnic slurs; commenting about a person’s body or sexual activity; and discussing sexual activity.
  3. Failing to obey any of the rules or regulations of the event or instructions of the event staff.
  4. Participating in any other illegal activity not already covered above.

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We won’t tolerate unacceptable behavior. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, the event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the event without warning or refund and, if appropriate, involving local law enforcement. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

How to report unacceptable behavior

If you have a complaint or concern about harassment, discrimination, bullying, or any other conduct that violates the VMware Events Code of Conduct, please contact [email protected].

We thank our attendees in advance for your help in keeping the event welcoming, respectful, and friendly to all participants.


Thank you!

Thank you for your interest. Registration for this event is closed.

We look forward to you joining us.


675 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE
Suite 7500
Atlanta, GA 30308
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